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sign our letter to the prime minister and health secretary

1 in 5 adults now are either living with diabetes or having prediabetes in the UK.

Join us in telling the Prime Minister and Health Secretary that diabetes must be prioritised in the 10-Year Health Plan.

The Government's 10-Year Health Plan will be published in Spring 2025. As diabetes is one of the largest health challenges facing the UK, it's more important than ever that diabetes is recognised as a priority in the proposed changes to our healthcare system.

We're calling on the Government to commit to continuining the improvement of diabetes care and prevention programmes, to provide targeted support to those most at risk of complications within their 10-Year Health Plan.

Click here to read our open letter.

Add your name today and let’s show the Government how they can make a difference to the lives of millions across the UK, giving people living with diabetes the opportunity to live their lives in confidence and good health. 

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© Diabetes UK 2020 A charity registered in England and Wales (no. 215199) and in Scotland (no. SC039136) A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England (no. 339181). Registered office: Wells Lawrence House, 126 Black Church Lane, London, E1 1FH.

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